快速现金贷款 Quick Cash Loan |
详细内容 |
Hello, I’m Mingjun Li from M&E Financial Group. My company provides commercial loans from $4000-$600000. No collateral needed, no credit score check, and funds would be transferred within 3 days. Since your company is growing fast, financing through loan would be less costly than through other methods. If you need fund, please contact me.
您好,我是M&E Financial Group的李明君,我們公司為在美國的商家提供4000至600000美元的快速现金貸款 我們的優勢有: 1. 易申請易批準, 即使您的credit分數不高或者沒有credit分數也不用擔心 2. 放款快速。申請三天之內就可以拿到資金,幫助您及時抓住商機 3. 無須抵押物,解決您的後顧之憂,真正的零風險 4. 還款容易。多種還款方式,還款額度根據您的銷售額度定,沒有強迫的固定還款額度 5. 市场最低的利息 6. 對資金使用您有100%的控制權 不要因資金不足而錯失商機,如果需要資金,請盡快與我們聯系。
联系方式 |
手机号码:626-376-0501 |
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